公平點 People’s Mask 由孟加拉公平貿易生產者以人手織棉布及車縫完成,在當地速食時裝代工廠的主流下,夥伴Artisan Hut是少數保存傳統人手織布技術,協助當地弱勢群體自力更生。 By the People,For the People ! Fair Circle People's Mask Project Update (10月) 公平點 ( FAIR CIRCLE ) have support 42,330 pcs People Mask production and distribution, the details are as follows.
1) Thailand : 4,000pcs produced by WEAVE refugee, support the distribution of 4,000pcs for elderly women in Ban Nai Soi and Ban Mae Surin refugee camp, Northern Thailand. Supported 15 producers from refugee camps and northern Thai villages. On average, each producer received between USD 143-172 income during the pandemic. "My family faced enormous challenge when Thailand was placed in quarantine and when there was stoppage of work. My husband lost his job, and I have to struggle hard to meet our needs on a day to day basis! So, I felt relieved when WEAVE informed us that it will not close its operation. Even if the work was done minimally and at home, I am able to continue our work. Thus, we learned from WEAVE that there is a growing need of masks and we have to assist in order to help protect people from the virus. During this period, I did not only benefit from the income that I receive from WEAVE. Moreover, I also benefitted enormously from the information I got about the People’s Mask, its important contribution in making people safe, about the dangers of Covid-19 and the importance of keeping ourselves healthy, safe and taking care of one another." Naw Ladda, Weave producer. [Completed] [下載 People's Mask 泰北行動報告 by WEAVE] [ 受惠者故事及分享]
2) Bangladesh : a) 8,000pcs produced by Prokritee in various production site across Bangladesh, support the distribution of 8,000pcs to producer families, rice farmers, production site villages (some refugee camp in northern Bangaldesh) and NGOs Supported 53 producers livelihood by sewing the masks during the pandemic, raising income of total USD 1420. [Completed] 4686 pcs for producer family members 2514 pcs for local NGOs and community 800 pcs for rice farmers [下載 Prokritee 詳細發放數字] [下載受惠者簽署名單 ] [ 生產者及受惠者訪問 ] b) 6,230 pcs produced by Artisan Hut, distribute by two local NGO in Bangaldesh (Slump area in Dhaka), supported by CEDAR Fund through FAIR CIRCLE [Completed]
3) India : a) 19,500 produced by Sasha, support the distribution in Kolkata district, including slump area, disable groups, women at risk through following local NGOs - 4000 masks were distributed to Action Aid - 4000 masks were distributed to DSWS - 2000 masks were distributed to IICP - 3000 masks were distributed to Rupantaran - 2500 masks were distributed to Tomorrow’s foundation - 4000 masks were distributed to Sahay, Children International Supported 300 producers from 15 producer groups in earning fair income during the most difficult period, by producing People's Mask. [Completed]
b) 2,700 pcs produced by Last Forest, distribute by two local NGO in India, supported by CEDAR Fund through FAIR CIRCLE [Completed]
4) Hong Kong : 2,400pcs produced by Artisan Hut, the masks sent to HK for further fundraising campaign. [ongoing] 4,500pcs produced by Artisan Hut, the masks sent to HK for further fundraising campaign. [ongoing]
By the People,For the People ! 公平點 People's Mask 簡報 ( 01/6 )
公平點的印度夥伴跟我們分享,婦女們正忙於全情投入口罩的製作,剛開始只有數個婦女負責生產,這些婦女努力了一星期後,當收到製作口罩的工資時,又喜又悲的眼淚不禁流到兩頰上,皆因現時當地很多人只能在家中沒有任何收入,收到工資讓她們百感交集!隨著People's Mask在當地越來越受到重視,亦有越來越多的婦女加入製作,現在公平點的印度夥伴 Last Forest 正教授約 20個婦女生產 People's Mask!
Refugees Artisan involved in QC and Packaging
Refugees Artisan involved in making the masks
Maw Baw Meh (MTBMLE Trainner in Ban Nai Soi Refugee Camp)
Awareness Raising Training for refugee teachers, the teachers will reach out to community on hygiene and sanitation information, how to wear the masks properly.
「在3月13日,難民營宣布關閉時,我們正進行第三天MTBMLE教師培訓。我們被指示停止訓練,停止聚集並在留在家中。當我們被告知冠狀病毒疫情肆虐,我們對此感到困惑,根本不知道它是什麼,以及為什麼人們談論它時似乎有些恐懼。直到新聞開始報導,對衛生情況關注以及更多收到有關Covid-19的資訊,,而我們亦開始感到恐懼。因為我們了解到尚未有疫苗,而我們在難民營中的處境非常危險,病毒的傳播可能會非常快,我擔心我的孩子和家人的安全。 今天,我很高興收到#PeoplesMask。 有了#WEAVE的同事Sayarmar Say Meh講解了口罩的科學和使用信息,我感到某種程度上的保護。 我對#PeoplesMask充滿信心。Sayamar Say Meh向我們解釋戴著#PeoplesMask,您不僅可以保護自己,還可以保護他人!” 」– Maw Baw Meh來自Kayah,她是MTBMLE(Mother Tongue Based Multi Lingual Education)培訓師。
By the People,For the People ! 公平點 People's Mask 簡報 ( 06/5 )
趙善榮 ( Anthony ) 公平點( FAIR CIRCLE ) 總監 FAIR CIRCLE is member of WFTO and WFTO-Asia
註 : 1) 我們正收集捐款,支持發展中國家的生產者製作 "People's Mask" 口罩。捐款將全數給予相關國家的公平貿易機構,由她們生產People's Mask 並免費分派給當地有需要的人。 2) 公平點是一間社企,自 2005 年起成立。請留意捐款不可免稅。 3) "People's Mask" 參考自香港大學深圳醫院與香港消費者委員會等機構的研究及 HK Mask 的概念。而 HK Mask 由 Dr K Kwong 及其團隊 Sew on Studio 設計,但這計畫與以上機構,Dr K Kwong 及其團隊沒有任何關係。我們多謝他們分享其研究及設計概念給公眾參考。
#PeoplesMask #FairTradeCares We care. We protect. We are Fair Trade.
參考資料 : 1) Information of Face masks mandatory in some countries / cities ( 16/4/2020 ) https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1u7kWEl2I-jUrbcnur9CWtigfnmTDq4SD&ll=0.25396779634311883%2C0&z=2&fbclid=IwAR2ZqAoFRUY7mswD91I5i7WXNFfY9ZXR840rbItOPUR0JfDiQyFzbQkPXf0 2) 了解孟加拉當地疫情及其對當地人民生計的影響 //為了控制疫情,孟加拉政府在4月初下令關閉大批工廠,嚴重衝擊當地大量紡織業勞工的生計,路透社報導,紡織業佔孟加拉出口超過8成,約有4百萬勞工以此維生,其中大部份是女性 // https://www.eventsinfocus.org/news/7145683?fbclid=IwAR0pCa2FthdA1r3l2Ot1gX5NPXBPbbE4fLP5Lt25YtGlMkP5AGWaLjEtHD4 By the People,For the People ! People's Mask Movement 公平點 People's Mask 行動簡報 ( 17/4 )